How to Play & Win the Cornhole Game?

The Cornhole game is a growing popular lawn game. It has also some other names like corn toss, baggo, and bean bags. Also, this game originated from what some people say was called “Bags”. It is basically a lot like the Horseshoes outdoor game. You may find similarities between the gameplay of horseshoes and cornhole games.

In this article, you will learn about how to play & win the cornhole game easily.

how to keep score in cornhole game
how to keep score in cornhole game

What is a “Cornhole Game”?

In this game, each player gets a set number of points before calling it quits on one another. After throwing the corn bags, the players generally take turns. They throw it on a raised platform with a hole on the other side.

A bag thrown in the hole properly scores 3 points. On the other hand, one bag on the platform scores one point. Those who reach 21 points are the winners (or any other sets of points) who win the game.

Or, you can say what makes the game of Cornhole so unique?

Sports like Cornhole are not so popular worldwide, yet it is unique that most people would love to play this game frequently. You can enjoy your leisure with friends and family by playing cornhole games. However, a few items increase the popularity of this game.

The first thing is this is a competitive game. Players can arrange the game easily and compete. Each player can enjoy the game regardless of how many points they make. Another important thing is, that even if a player wants to quit the game, there will be no bad impact on the running game. Understanding the cornhole definition is very simple. Again, you can play for hours with the same game kit. These kits are entirely affordable and can be made at home too.

These are the common reasons why Cornhole is getting more popular daily.

History of Cornhole Game

The first thing about how the cornhole game was invented is not so simple. There are several versions of this game changed or improved throughout time. It started as a fun sport associated with country festivities called “corn hustling time.” In fact, many companies selling commercial-sized boards still give that as an alternate name.

One account of how Cornhole started is that it began as a distraction to keep chickens and other birds from the corn cribs at the county fairgrounds.

Again, another story goes something like this: “At first (Cornhole) was played with only two boards, back-to-back. One player would stand on each board pitching bags filled with grain at a hole between them.”

Cornhole Equipment

According to official rules, the standard set of cornhole equipment includes 8 bags (4 each of two different colors) and one board. You can make boards from plywood or hardboard material. It measures 2′ by 4′, although other sizes may be used.

At least one side must be angled at 30° while the other remains flat. You must place a hole in the board at 9″ from the top slanted corner. Putting it in the center may fall you trouble.

You need a hard surface for playing. Most people have driveways or decks, but it is not what you think!

how far is cornhole
how far is cornhole

Court Layout:

The standard for official cornhole court layout is like these:

One team has two opposite-facing players located on either side of their board. In the meantime, the other team only has one player facing them on one side of their board. A line will be drawn across the court length dividing it into two halves. One-half remains for each player or team.

Official Rules of Cornhole

The official rules of Cornhole are the standard ways the players should follow. To maintain integrity, an official needs to enforce community standards. They will fix what is correct and what is not.

Cornhole was invented in Cincinnati around the 1930s, although its name didn’t originally call it. When it first began being played, it was referred to as “corn toss” or “bean bag”. Both terms were used interchangeably. Some people thought this game was like tossing/throwing things at a barn (since most farmers had one next door). They threw corn or other possible stuff remaining in a bag.

How do you Score Cornhole?

Or how do you win at Cornhole?

People used to play cornhole or corn toss on a dirt surface with boards that were not angled at all. Then they began laying out tarps and plywood sheets to make the playing surface more rigid and less bumpy. It led to the development of “official cornhole courts.”

Scoring cornhole is simple enough. These are the basic rules of cornhole games:

  • A player gets three points when a bag passes through the hole.
  • If it does not go through yet lands entirely on the platform, it scores 1 point.
  • The score gets reset at zero throwing the bags off the board area (short).

Actually, it is like trying to take out all of your opponent’s pins in bowling.

Why do People consider Cornhole a Good Workout?

Cornhole players need endurance in what they do to play at a competitive level. Since players normally need two bags per player. You will probably run back and forth from the cornhole board to where you throw the bags. This continuous body movement makes people think it is an excellent workout!

Players must build up their arm strength in what they do. The game may seem hard on paper but throwing one bag isn’t too difficult. They need to try doing it with 3-4 other bags on top of it.  You should not hit the ground before making it to hit the target! Most people would say that Cornhole is a “sexy” game because it’s fun for some.

official cornhole rules
official cornhole rules

Why play Cornhole / Corn Toss?

The main reason for playing Cornhole or baggo as some people may say, is that it is fun! The primary reason for playing it is to hang out with friends and family, eat good food, and do what you love. The challenge makes the game thought-provoking.

There are many questions regarding the Cornhole game:

  • Why should anyone want to play cornhole toss games?
  • What could be so fun about throwing bags at boards?
  • Why do people go into tournaments and judge their skills against other players and teams?

Well, because the thrill of playing this game isn’t just how simple it is to pick up and play for beginners. These beginners might not even care about the rules or official standards. The reason behind this is they picked up this game as a holiday pleasure.

Many people refer to cornhole as a “relaxing” game because of its simplicity.  Anyone can join in the action without any prior experience. There are no complicated rules for them to memorize. Also, it does not take hours for people to learn before starting the game.

It’s also effortless for what someone might want to do when bored. All you need are cornhole boards (or even just bags) and something like a ball or other bag-like object if you feel bored. The thing should fit into the hole (hole’s “mouth”) and what makes up the circle on the target.

You may also learn how to make cornhole bags on our website.

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