How to Play Kubb Game – Learn Simple Steps Quickly

Kubb game is a unique new sport. It combines the strategy of chess, the excitement of bowling, and the ancient heritage of Viking games. This article defines how to play Kubb game on the lawn and backyard.

What is the Kubb game?

Kubb game is a lawn game playable with friends and family. It is pronounced as koob. Again, it is like outdoor games like horseshoes and bocce ball.

It involves pitching wooden objects at targets. However, it offers more variety and challenge than any other lawn game.

Gameplay ranges from individual challenges to team play. It is playable with casual and competitive levels available for every age group–from a child to seniors.

The game’s object is to knock over wooden blocks (Kubbs) by throwing wooden dowels at them.

You can knock them over to win if you reduce your opponent’s Kubbs to one. Players take turns pitching their dowels at the Kubbs.

The team which overthrows all Kubbs of their opponent is the winner.

Who invented the Kubb game?

The exact origin of the yard game Kubb is unknown. But it was first created by the Vikings. It has been in existence for more than a thousand years. Also, it has changed very little with time and culture.

Kubb was first played in Sweden around 1000 AD. Some historians believe that as many as 65 million people today enjoy this timeless activity as part of their new weekend hobby!

The earliest historical accounts date the sport around the 12th century.

Today, Kubb is popular with people across the United States, Europe, and some parts of Asia. Millions of people play this fun lawn game every year!

How to set up the Kubb game?

To play Kubb, you’ll need a field that is 50 feet long and 30 feet wide. The length must be a minimum of triple the width.

Verify that the area is free of rocks and hindrances. But don’t worry about rolling it–you can mow your lawn.

You will also need an undisturbed flat surface as a target for pitching wooden blocks (usually hardwood made).

If you don’t have an official target, you can also pitch at any even object, such as plastic garbage cans or recycling bins!

Before starting your first game, we suggest marking boundaries with rope or cones.

To set up the field, you first mark two end zones four meters long. Then place six Kubbs evenly spaced along each side halfway down the playing area. These will be your ‘home’ KubbsIn the middle of your playground, place the four ‘basic’ Kubbs evenly apart.

In addition to those placed along the side of the field, you should have two more Kubbs identified near one end zone as a target for when a team is throwing their batons.

How do you set up a match of Kubb lawn game?

Each player should have six batons when it is time to pitch.

Drawing cards will determine teams–the player with the highest number goes first and play moves to your right. Each player throws one card at a time until all 6 are played.

You can choose to do a match best out of three for a shorter game or five for a longer one! You’ll want to mark down scores somewhere as you go along–a pad of paper works nicely.

People use strategies to protect the king by surrounding it with their Kubbs. Then, they need to knock over as many blocks as possible from afar before moving closer. Or they should try to aim the batons underhand. So they don’t roll too far away after being pitched.

It’s much easier to knock down an opponent’s block(s) if you hit it from behind!

Try to stand with the sun at your back if possible, so you have a clear view of where everything is. You may play in an area where sunlight doesn’t help much. Then, ask for assistance if needed–better safe than sorry!

How to play Kubb game?

You can play the country Kubb game following the below instructions. Therefore, it is effortless to learn and play.

First Step

After selecting teams, decide which side of the playing field each team will be on. Then, mark it with a line.

Each team stands in its own half of the field behind its lines. No team can cross onto the opposite side before play begins (if you’re in doubt, use a coin flip).

The goal is to throw wooden blocks (Kubbs) at your opponent’s Kubbs until they fall over to win.

You can also knock down your opponent’s block(s) if that brings all of them down–it doesn’t matter how many you knock down to win! However, throwing at the target is much easier!

Second Step

Pitch one Kubb at a time.

The first team begins by pitching the single white Kubb at their target/Kubbs (the “king”).

Once the king is down, teams take turns pitching six batons each–three of your opponent’s Kubbs must be taken down before you can win!

You cannot use two hands to throw. But if you are injured or missing an arm, you may use any means possible to pitch with one hand.

Third Step

Throw underhand only.

You may not lift your baton above shoulder height when throwing. Throwing the baton overhead results in immediate disqualification!

It’s also considered bad form to step more than 6 feet forward when pitching. Even if you do so, your turn is automatically forfeited and doesn’t count toward your six pitches!

If getting a Kubb, the opposing team can send it back. Any teammates of the player who threw it initially must remain in place until they release the Kubb.

If you hit somebody with a thrown Kubb while playing, take them out of play by placing their baton to one side on your side of the pitch. They can’t play anymore.

Suppose you cannot complete all six pitches before running out of batons or time. Your score will be tallied according to how many you have left at the end!

Anybody has taken down more blocks when all eight rounds are completed as the winner.

What are the Kubb game rules?

Are you looking for a Kubb strategy? The solution is here:

The game is always played between two or more teams, with up to 6 players on each team.

There are special rules for playing with 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 games.

Kubb Game Rules
Kubb Game Rules

For a standard 1v1 game, however, it’s very straightforward:

Each player receives 5 Kubbs in their half early in the game. They throw all their batons to get rid of one opponent’s block plus five Kubbs over the line into their half (some rules say only three).

If you hit an opponent instead, they are out that round. Or you may place one of their blocks in your square).

Each player throws all five of their remaining batons and gets rid of an opponent’s block plus any Kubbs that were knocked out.

The players throw all ten pieces in this round, although some games may allow a pitch-back.

The play continues like this, with the winner being the first to eliminate all 10 Kubbs. They may be left standing after each round.

How do I win the Kubb outdoor game?

You win if you knock down all eight of your opponent’s Kubbs!

You hit the king before knocking down all your opponent’s Kubbs. Then, they are not counted in this case.

Kubb is an excellent game for all ages and skill levels. It can be either slow or quick, depending on how hard you try to play.

It allows everyone to exercise that competitive spirit while working together as a team against another group.

Kubb is very simple. But it is also surprisingly challenging when playing multiple rounds with one another over two different halves of the field!

How do you learn the Kubb game?

You can play various strategies depending on how many players there are. For example: Let’s assume you have enough people to have two teams playing together. Then, 2v2s can use ‘double diagonal,’ a more complex strategy.

Kubb is easy to learn but can be played with complex strategies. Playing Kubb will take around 20 minutes for two teams or 40 minutes if you are playing 2v2.

As you learn to play the Kubb game, it is important to know the safety rules.

First and foremost, watch where you always stand! Players should not stand behind the throwing line. You should also not stand within one meter from a player who is about to throw a Kubb.

The following rule is that once a Kubb has been thrown, players cannot touch it until it hits the ground. If a player touches a Kubb while someone else is throwing, that Kubb must be placed back in the square where it was touched.

The last safety rule is that players must not touch another player’s Kubbs. If a player touches one of these without permission, their team must put this Kubb back on top of the stack.

Types of Kubb Game

These are the most important safety rules to remember when playing the Kubb game. More Kubb game types are there to play for fun instead of as part of tournaments:

King’s Cup

Instead of throwing all ten pieces per round, each time you throw, you must drink from your King’s Cup (a cup filled with beer or some other alcoholic drink).

Pole Henge

After a team or player hits any piece, they must run to a pole in the middle of the field. Also, they must touch it without falling over.

Monkey in the Middle

The players form a circle around a person called ‘It’. They throw Kubbs at other players while avoiding being hit themselves. If they are hit, they become ‘it’ and so on.

Once you’ve learned how to play the Kubb game, nothing stops you from getting out onto your lawn with family or friends.

You could even host an outdoor party where everyone brings their equipment along to enjoy the fun of playing Kubb!


Now that you know how to play the Kubb game, go out there and share your knowledge with others! Get fun playing this excellent outdoor game with friends and family. You may look for the best Kubb game set online.

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