How to Make Cornhole Boards Following Easy Steps

Cornhole board game is one of the best lawn games. It is simple to play and enjoy every moment with friends and family. It requires only a few things like bean bags, and cornhole boards. This article features how to make cornhole boards.

Likewise, the game of cornhole is gaining momentum in the United States. More people are finding the match, purchasing boards, and playing it.

How to Make Cornhole Boards
How to Make Cornhole Boards

Many new players are even making their DIY cornhole boards to continue enjoying this fun outdoor game. If you would like to make custom cornhole boards, read on for everything you need to know about how to do it.

First, let’s go over precisely what a cornhole game consists of. A good set includes:

Sizing or Dimensions:

What is the distance for cornhole? The space between boards is based on how far apart people want to go. The official setup is 8 feet, but it can be shortened or lengthened depending on the players’ desires.

For those with smaller backyards, 8 feet is a good distance. For example, if you have a 20-foot by 20-foot space, having the boards only one foot apart would be more than enough to have them relatively close together.

Some people want to know how far apart are cornhole boards. The best way to answer this is to understand what a cornhole board is and how it relates to the official size of a cornhole board. A cornhole board is simply a platform to toss bags onto with holes at either end.

The regulatory size of boards has a measurement of 24″x48″ since 2008. Manufacturers should use hardwood plywood to make the boards.

The dimension is 3/4″ thick X 18″ wide X 24″ long. The boards are often decorated with team colors, logos, etc., so feel free to get creative!

Making Cornhole Bags               

Cornhole bags are essential for how to make regulation cornhole boards. It would help to fill them with plastic pellets or dried corn kernels.

Corn is the traditional filling for bags. But corn can rot and mold if bag moisture gets wet due to rain or high humidity levels. The weight of a regulation cornhole bag should be about 1/2 pound.

You can find different cornhole bags made of versatile materials such as duck cloth bags.

Also, you could also paint your own bags if you don’t want to buy pre-made items from toy stores or game gear stores.

You can check online for specific rules regarding how these cornhole items are set up to play properly.

How to Make a Cornhole Board at Home

It’s straightforward how to make your own cornhole board. You can purchase the goods of cornhole games from a sporting goods store or online. Otherwise, you can build your own set; all you need is wood and tools.

Cutting the Board of Cornhole:

  • Start by measuring the desired finished size of the board (24″ x 48″).
  • Trim two pieces of plywood with a table or circular saw.
  • After cutting, smooth any rough edges with medium-grit sandpaper.
  • Round off any sharp corners on the underside of each board using an orbital sander. It helps players’ feet from getting cut when walking across them during play.
  • Drink plenty of water while doing this because it is very dusty work – one wants to start bleeding in the middle of this for sure!

You may read “How to Wash Cornhole Bags?

Making the Holes of Cornhole Board:

  • When the boards are cut and smooth, make a mark in the center of each board.
  • Measure 1″ in from each edge on both boards and place an X to mark the center point.
  • Make four marks along the lines where you want the hole to be (should be 6-10″ apart). You can follow your personal design or decorate however you’d like at this time too.
  • After finishing, drill two holes in each section with a 3/4″ spade. They will be big enough for a jigsaw blade. You can cut out your designs easily.
  • Cut out all four pieces using a jigsaw or scroll saw – whichever one you have available.
  • Sand any rough edges again and round off any sharp corners.
  • Check the fit of one board on top of the other. Ensure they are flush at the corners and along all edges.
Making a cornhole board
making a cornhole board while saving time

Finishing How to Make Cornhole Boards:

  • Finally, sand both boards with fine-grit sandpaper until smooth to the touch all over.
  • Spray or brush them down with a clear coat finish to protect your boards from moisture damage. Skip this if you are not from wet weather area.

You now have a set of cornhole boards that you made yourself! Just find some cornhole bags and a target (cornhole games are typically played against another person). You can avail them without discerning about your wallet.

Now you have the idea of making cornhole boards easily. You can offer your friends this article.  Thanks for stopping by; I hope you enjoyed learning how to make cornhole boards.

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